misty vogel |counseling

because each of us deserves a meaningful and abundant life


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" ~ Anais Nin


About Misty Vogel, MA, LPC, NCC:

I am an experienced Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in the Highlands neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. Having trained with experts in the field of attachment, I combine my experience doing attachment work with my passion helping individuals, couples and families enhance connection in relationships. I strive to help clients identify: 

  •  roadblocks to healthy relationships

  •  understand the roots of these barriers

  •  facilitate healing and growth  

I believe that vulnerability is a necessity to becoming authentic. One cannot selectively be numb. If we are numb to pain, we are also numb to joy. Finding our way to worthiness is a process, but absolutely possible. Each and every one of us is worthy of love and belonging! 

For me, counseling offered a safe, unconditional environment to discover the root of my blocks, fears and ambivalence. I was able to connect more to my intuition via a supportive relationship with my therapist and begin making choices based on my truths, needs and wants. I took a closer look at my history which includes divorced parents, a difficult relationship with a step-parent, a gay parent, the losses, the patterns of self-sabotage -- in this history was a narrative which needed tweaking. Through counseling, I was able to re-write my story and begin living a more fulfilling life. I'd be honored to travel with you through your journey!

misty  vogel | counseling  

3433 W 38th Ave, Denver, CO 80211
